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  • What are you Looking for ?
    1) Sofa 2) Recliners 3) Sofa cum bed 4) Bed cot 5) Arm Chairs 6) wooden products
  • is there old furniture need to exchange ping us 9916283817
    Old Exchange your mobile number to what's up ? to 9916283817
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
  • How can we help you ?
    We always ready to help in case
  • If in case we are not responding please drop a text whats up number...
    +91 9916283817 mail us :-
  • What are you for ?
    1) Sofa 2) Recliners 3) Sofa Cum Bed 4) Arm Chairs 5) Bed Cots
  • How Can we help you ?
    We do customised furniture as per your choice Sofa Bed cot Recliners Sofa cum bed Armchair Ottoman mattresses Wooden products
  • What would be a good time for Calling you ?
    With in 20 minutes After 1 hour And 2 hour
  • Can we do a site visit its free of cost ? on week days or week end
    Our expertise will visit your any time and explain well and guide for right choice
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